Teleport commands

Commands Module - Teleport - Adds a command that allows players to teleport to other players




teleport Teleports a player to another player.
bring Teleports a player to you.
goto Teleports you to a player.


# expcore.commands


# teleport

Teleports a player to another player.

Command Parameters:
  • from_player : (LuaPlayer) the player that will be teleported, must be alive
  • to_player : (LuaPlayer) the player to teleport to, must be online (if dead goes to where they died)
# bring

Teleports a player to you.

Command Parameters:
  • player : (LuaPlayer) the player that will be teleported, must be alive
# goto

Teleports you to a player.

Command Parameters:
  • player : (LuaPlayer) the player to teleport to, must be online (if dead goes to where they died)