Virtual gui

Gui Module - Virtual Layer - Adds a virtual layer to store power to save space.





vlayer_gui_display_item_solar_name Display label for the number of solar panels
vlayer_gui_display_item_accumulator_name Display label for the number of accumulators
vlayer_gui_display_signal_production_name Display label for the current energy production
vlayer_gui_display_signal_sustained_name Display label for the sustained energy production
vlayer_gui_display_signal_capacity_name Display label for the sustained energy capacity
vlayer_gui_display_signal_current_name Display label for the current energy in storage
vlayer_display_set A vertical flow containing all the displays labels and their counts
vlayer_gui_control_storage_input A button used to add a new storage input interface
vlayer_gui_control_storage_output A button used to add a new storage output interface
vlayer_gui_control_circuit A button used to add a new circuit interface
vlayer_gui_control_power A button used to add a new energy interface
vlayer_gui_control_remove A button used to remove the closest vlayer interface
vlayer_control_set A vertical flow containing all the control buttons
vlayer_container The main container for the vlayer gui
toggle_left_element Button on the top flow used to toggle the task list container


# expcore.gui
# expcore.roles
# utils.event
# util
# config.vlayer


# vlayer_gui_display_item_solar_name

Display label for the number of solar panels

# vlayer_gui_display_item_accumulator_name

Display label for the number of accumulators

# vlayer_gui_display_signal_production_name

Display label for the current energy production

# vlayer_gui_display_signal_sustained_name

Display label for the sustained energy production

# vlayer_gui_display_signal_capacity_name

Display label for the sustained energy capacity

# vlayer_gui_display_signal_current_name

Display label for the current energy in storage

# vlayer_display_set

A vertical flow containing all the displays labels and their counts

# vlayer_gui_control_storage_input

A button used to add a new storage input interface

# vlayer_gui_control_storage_output

A button used to add a new storage output interface

# vlayer_gui_control_circuit

A button used to add a new circuit interface

# vlayer_gui_control_power

A button used to add a new energy interface

# vlayer_gui_control_remove

A button used to remove the closest vlayer interface

# vlayer_control_set

A vertical flow containing all the control buttons

# vlayer_container

The main container for the vlayer gui

# toggle_left_element

Button on the top flow used to toggle the task list container