Core Module - Roles - Factorio role system to manage custom permissions.
--- Using Role System (assignment):
--When a map first starts you will want to define on mass all the players you expect to join and the roles to give them:
Cooldude2606 = {'Owner', 'Admin', 'Member'},
NotCooldude2606 = {'Member'}
--Once the game is running you still want to be able to give role and remove them which is when you would use:
Roles.assign_player(player, 'Admin', by_player_name) -- this will give the "Admin" role to the player
Roles.unassign_player(player, {'Admin', 'Moderator'}, by_player_name) -- this will remove "Admin" and "Moderator" role in one go
--- Using Role System (role testing):
--To comparer two players you can comparer the index of they highest roles, can be used when you want to allow a "write" down type system:
Roles.get_player_highest_role(playerOne).index < Roles.get_player_highest_role(playerTwo).index -- remember that less means a higher role
--Listing all of a players roles can also be useful which is when you would want to use:
Roles.get_player_roles(player) -- the return is an array that can be looped over however this is not in particular order
--Finally you may want to test if a player has a certain role, flag or action allowed which is when you would use:
Roles.player_has_role(player, 'Admin') -- you can provide a role name if you only want a name based system
Roles.player_has_flag(player, 'is_donator') -- your roles can be grouped together with flags such as is_donator
Roles.player_allowed(player, 'game modifiers') -- or you can have an action based system where each action is something the player can do
--- Example Flag Define:
--Flags can be used to group multiple roles and actions under one catch all, for example if you want a piece of code to only
--be active for your donators then you would add a "is_donator" flag to all your donator roles and then in the code test if
--a player has that tag present:
-- give you donators a speed boost when they join; these functions aren't required but can be useful
Roles.define_flag_trigger('is_donator', function(player, state)
if state then
player.character_running_speed_modifier = 1.5
player.character_running_speed_modifier = 1
-- then on all your donator roles you would add
-- and in your code you would test for
if Roles.player_has_flag(player, 'is_donator') then
-- some donator only code
--- Example Role Define:
--You can't use a role system without any roles so first you must define your roles; each role has a minimum of a name with
--the option for a shorthand:
Roles.new_role('Administrator', 'Admin')
--Next you will want to add any extras you want to have, such as a tag, colour, permission group or any custom flags:
Roles.new_role('Administrator', 'Admin')
:set_custom_color('red') -- this can be {r=0, g=0, b=0} or a predefined value
:set_permission_group('Staff') -- a second argument can be added if you have not used the custom permission group config
--You will then want to decide if you want to allow all actions, this should of course be used sparely:
Roles.new_role('Administrator', 'Admin')
--If you don't do this want this as i would advise you do then you will want to define what the role can do; this comes with
--an optional inheritance system if you like those sort of things in which case disallow may also be of some use to you:
Roles.new_role('Administrator', 'Admin')
:set_parent('Moderator') -- the admin can do anything that a moderator can do
:allow{ -- these actions can be anything just try to keep them without conflicts
'gui/game settings'
--Here is what the finished admin role would look like:
Roles.new_role('Administrator', 'Admin')
'gui/game settings'
--- Example System Define:
--Once all roles are defined these steps must be done to ensure the system is ready to use, this includes setting a default
--role, assigning a root (all permission) role that the server/system will use and the linear order that the roles fall into:
--Just remember that in this example all these roles have not been defined; so make sure all your roles that are used are defined
--before hand; a config file on load is useful for this to ensure that its loaded before the first player even joins. | |
utils.event |
expcore.permission_groups |
expcore.async |
utils.color_presets |
expcore.common |
debug() | Returns a string which contains all roles in index order displaying all data for them |
print_to_roles(roles, message) | Prints a message to all players in the given roles, may send duplicate message however factorio blocks spam |
print_to_roles_higher(role, message) | Prints a message to all players who have the given role or one which is higher (excluding default) |
print_to_roles_lower(role, message) | Prints a message to all players who have the given role or one which is lower (excluding default) |
get_role_by_name(name) | Get a role for the given name |
get_role_by_order(index) | Get a role with the given order index |
get_role_from_any(any) | Gets a role from a name, index or role object (where it is just returned) nb: this function is used for the input for most outward facing functions |
get_player_roles(player) | Gets all the roles of the given player, this will always contain the default role |
get_player_highest_role(player) | Gets the highest role which the player has, can be used to compeer one player to another |
assign_player(player, roles[, by_player_name= |
Gives a player the given role(s) with an option to pass a by player name used in the log |
unassign_player(player, roles[, by_player_name= |
Removes a player from the given role(s) with an option to pass a by player name used in the log |
override_player_roles([player_name], roles) | Overrides all player roles with the given table of roles, useful to mass set roles on game start |
player_has_role(player, search_role) | A test for weather a player has the given role |
player_has_flag(player, flag_name) | A test for weather a player has the given flag true for at least one of they roles |
player_allowed(player, action) | A test for weather a player has at least one role which is allowed the given action |
define_role_order(order) | Used to set the role order, higher in the list is better, must be called at least once in config -- nb: function also re links parents due to expected position in the config file |
define_flag_trigger(name, callback) | Defines a new trigger for when a tag is added or removed from a player |
set_default(name) | Sets the default role which every player will have, this needs to be called at least once |
set_root(name) | Sets the root role which will always have all permissions, any server actions act from this role |
new_role(name[, short_hand=name]) | Defines a new role and returns the prototype to allow configuration |
Roles._prototype:set_allow_all([state=true]) | Sets the default allow state of the role, true will allow all actions |
Roles._prototype:allow(actions) | Sets the allow actions for this role, actions in this list will be allowed for this role |
Roles._prototype:disallow(actions) | Sets the disallow actions for this role, will prevent actions from being allowed regardless of inheritance |
Roles._prototype:is_allowed(action) | Test for if a role is allowed the given action, mostly internal see Roles.player_allowed |
Roles._prototype:set_flag(name[, value=true]) | Sets the state of a flag for a role, flags can be used to apply effects to players |
Roles._prototype:clear_flags() | Clears all flags from this role, individual flags can be removed with set_flag(name, false) |
Roles._prototype:has_flag(name) | A test for if the role has a flag set |
Roles._prototype:set_custom_tag(tag) | Sets a custom player tag for the role, can be accessed by other code |
Roles._prototype:set_custom_color(color) | Sets a custom colour for the role, can be accessed by other code |
Roles._prototype:set_permission_group(name[, use_factorio_api=false]) | Sets the permission group for this role, players will be moved to the group of they highest role |
Roles._prototype:set_parent(role) | Sets the parent for a role, any action not in allow or disallow will be looked for in its parents nb: this is a recursive action, and changing the allows and disallows will effect all children roles |
Roles._prototype:set_auto_assign_condition(callback) | Sets an auto assign condition that is checked every 60 seconds, if true is returned then the player will receive the role nb: this is one way, failing false after already gaining the role will not revoke the role |
Roles._prototype:get_auto_assign_condition() | Get the auto assign condition for this role, returns nil if no condition is set |
Roles._prototype:set_block_auto_assign([state=true]) | Sets the role to not allow players to have auto assign effect them, useful to keep people locked to a role |
Roles._prototype:add_player(player, skip_check, skip_event) | Adds a player to this role, players can have more than one role at a time, used internally see Roles.assign |
Roles._prototype:remove_player(player, skip_check, skip_event) | Removes a player from this role, players can have more than one role at a time, used internally see Roles.unassign |
Roles._prototype:get_players([online=nil]) | Returns an array of all the players who have this role, can be filtered by online status |
Roles._prototype:print(message) | Will print a message to all players with this role |
Returns a string which contains all roles in index order displaying all data for them
Returns:-- Print the debug string
Prints a message to all players in the given roles, may send duplicate message however factorio blocks spam
Parameters:-- Print a message to the given roles
Roles.print_to_roles({'Administrator', 'Moderator'}, 'Hello, World!')
Prints a message to all players who have the given role or one which is higher (excluding default)
Parameters:-- Print a message to the roles above this role, includes the given role
Roles.print_to_roles_higher('Moderator', 'Hello, World!')
Prints a message to all players who have the given role or one which is lower (excluding default)
Parameters:-- Print a message to the roles below this role, includes the given role
Roles.print_to_roles_higher('Moderator', 'Hello, World!')
Get a role for the given name
Parameters:-- Get a role by its name
local role = Roles.get_role_by_name('Moderator')
Get a role with the given order index
Parameters:-- Get a role by its index in the order list
local role = Roles.get_role_by_name(2)
Gets a role from a name, index or role object (where it is just returned) nb: this function is used for the input for most outward facing functions
Parameters: Returns:-- Get a role by its name or order
local role = Roles.get_role_from_any('Moderator')
Gets all the roles of the given player, this will always contain the default role
Parameters:-- Get the roles that a player has
local roles = Roles.get_player_roles(game.player)
Gets the highest role which the player has, can be used to compeer one player to another
Parameters:-- Get the highest role that a player has
local role = Roles.get_player_highest_role(game.player)
Gives a player the given role(s) with an option to pass a by player name used in the log
Parameters:-- Assign a player to the Moderator role
Roles.assign_player(game.player, 'Moderator')
-- Assign a player to the Moderator role, even if the player has never been on the map
Roles.assign_player('Cooldude2606', 'Moderator', nil, true)
Removes a player from the given role(s) with an option to pass a by player name used in the log
Parameters:-- Unassign a player from the Moderator role
Roles.unassign_player(game.player, 'Moderator')
-- Unassign a player from the Moderator role, even if the player has never been on the map
Roles.unassign_player('Cooldude2606', 'Moderator', nil, true)
Overrides all player roles with the given table of roles, useful to mass set roles on game start
Parameters:-- Override the roles of a single player, other users are not effected
Roles.override_player_roles('Cooldude2606', {'Moderator'})
-- Override all existing roles, effects all users not just ones listed
['Cooldude2606'] = {'Administrator', 'Moderator'},
['arty714'] = {'Administrator', 'Moderator'},
A test for weather a player has the given role
Parameters:-- Test if a player has a role
local has_role = Roles.player_has_role(game.player, 'Moderator')
A test for weather a player has the given flag true for at least one of they roles
Parameters:-- Test if a player has a role
local has_flag = Roles.player_has_flag(game.player, 'is_donator')
A test for weather a player has at least one role which is allowed the given action
Parameters:-- Test if a player has a role
local has_flag = Roles.player_has_flag(game.player, 'is_donator')
Used to set the role order, higher in the list is better, must be called at least once in config -- nb: function also re links parents due to expected position in the config file
Parameters:-- Define which roles are higher than others
Defines a new trigger for when a tag is added or removed from a player
Parameters:-- Defining a flag trigger
Roles.define_flag_trigger('is_donator', function(player, state)
player.character_running_speed_modifier = state and 1.5 or 1
Sets the default role which every player will have, this needs to be called at least once
Parameters:-- Setting the default role
Sets the root role which will always have all permissions, any server actions act from this role
Parameters:-- Setting the root role
Defines a new role and returns the prototype to allow configuration
Parameters:-- Defining a new role
local role = Roles.new_role('Moderator', 'Mod')
Sets the default allow state of the role, true will allow all actions
Parameters:-- Allow all actions for this role, useful for root like roles
Sets the allow actions for this role, actions in this list will be allowed for this role
Parameters:-- Allow some actions for a role
'gui/game settings'
Sets the disallow actions for this role, will prevent actions from being allowed regardless of inheritance
Parameters:-- Disallow an action for a role, useful if inherit an action from a parent
'gui/game settings'
Test for if a role is allowed the given action, mostly internal see Roles.player_allowed
Parameters:-- Test if a role is allowed an action
local allowed = role:is_allowed('command/kill')
Sets the state of a flag for a role, flags can be used to apply effects to players
Parameters:-- Set a flag for a role
Clears all flags from this role, individual flags can be removed with set_flag(name, false)
Returns:-- Remove all flags from a role
A test for if the role has a flag set
Parameters:-- Test if a role has a flag
local has_flag = role:has_flag('is_admin')
Sets a custom player tag for the role, can be accessed by other code
Parameters:-- Set a custom tag for this role, other code is required to set the tag
Sets a custom colour for the role, can be accessed by other code
Parameters:-- Set a custom colour for this role, other code is required to use this value
role:set_custom_color{ r=255, g=100, b=100}
Sets the permission group for this role, players will be moved to the group of they highest role
Parameters:-- Set the permission group for this role, see permission_groups.lua
Sets the parent for a role, any action not in allow or disallow will be looked for in its parents nb: this is a recursive action, and changing the allows and disallows will effect all children roles
Parameters:-- Set the parent for this role to inherit all actions allowed
Sets an auto assign condition that is checked every 60 seconds, if true is returned then the player will receive the role nb: this is one way, failing false after already gaining the role will not revoke the role
Parameters:-- Give this role to a user if there are admin, ran every 60 seconds
return player.admin
Get the auto assign condition for this role, returns nil if no condition is set
Returns:-- Give this role to a user if there are admin, ran every 60 seconds
local condition = role:get_auto_assign_condition()
Sets the role to not allow players to have auto assign effect them, useful to keep people locked to a role
Parameters:-- Make a role stop players from being auto assigned to other roles
Adds a player to this role, players can have more than one role at a time, used internally see Roles.assign
Parameters:-- Assign a player to this role
Removes a player from this role, players can have more than one role at a time, used internally see Roles.unassign
Parameters:-- Unassign a player from this role
Returns an array of all the players who have this role, can be filtered by online status
Parameters:-- Get all the players with this role
local players = role:get_players()
-- Get all online players with this role
local players = role:get_players(true)