Gui Module - Task List - Adds a task list to the game which players can add, remove and edit items on
expcore.gui |
utils.event |
expcore.roles |
expcore.datastore |
config.gui.tasks |
modules.control.tasks |
expcore.common |
add_new_task | Button displayed in the header bar, used to add a new task |
no_tasks_found | Header displayed when no tasks are in the task list |
subfooter_frame | Frame element with the right styling |
subfooter_label | Label element preset |
subfooter_actions | Action flow that contains action buttons |
task_list_item | Button element with a flow around it to fix duplicate name inside of the scroll flow |
task_list | Scrollable list of all tasks |
task_view_edit_button | Button element inside the task view footer to start editing a task |
task_view_close_button | Button to close the task view footer |
task_view_delete_button | Button to delete the task inside the task view footer |
task_view_footer | Subfooter inside the tasklist container that holds all the elements for viewing a task |
task_message_textfield | Textfield element used in both the task create and edit footers |
task_edit_confirm_button | Button to confirm the changes inside the task edit footer |
edit_task_discard_button | Button to discard the changes inside the task edit footer |
task_edit_footer | Subfooter inside the tasklist container that holds all the elements for editing a task |
task_create_confirm_button | Button to confirm the changes inside the task create footer |
task_create_discard_button | Button to discard the changes inside the task create footer |
task_create_footer | Subfooter inside the tasklist container that holds all the elements to create a new task |
task_list_container | Main task list container for the left flow |
toggle_left_element | Button on the top flow used to toggle the task list container |
Button displayed in the header bar, used to add a new task
Header displayed when no tasks are in the task list
Frame element with the right styling
Label element preset
Action flow that contains action buttons
Button element with a flow around it to fix duplicate name inside of the scroll flow
Scrollable list of all tasks
Button element inside the task view footer to start editing a task
Button to close the task view footer
Button to delete the task inside the task view footer
Subfooter inside the tasklist container that holds all the elements for viewing a task
Textfield element used in both the task create and edit footers
Button to confirm the changes inside the task edit footer